We want to make sure you understand every word we use in our help section and in our instructions for using our service. We also want to ensure that you understand any references to terms used in the conference call industry that may be used by your conference call partners. So, we provide a detailed glossary to explain some of the words you'll be seeing as you use our conference call services to help your business succeed and expand.
- Access ID (Also known as Passcode)
- Access Phone Number
- Auto Continuation
- Automated Call
- Collaboration
- Conference Call
- Conference Continuation
- Conference Dial-in Number
- Dial-in Number
- Dial-in
- Dial-out
- E-mail Invitation
- Entry Announcement
- Entry Tones
- Exit Tones
- Feedback
- Interactive
- International Dial-in Number
- Keypad
Your personal account codePIN number that allows you to access your conference call. Participants will use this access ID/passcode to join your conference call.
The telephone number you will call to reach our bridge equipment, which allows you to begin your conference call.
Feature that allows your conference calls to continue even after the moderator disconnects. The call then continues until the last participant disconnects. Auto-continuation provides less security but adds flexibility so that conference attendees can continue to talk even if the moderator needs to disconnect, or is accidentally disconnected.
A conference call whereby participants access the call via a PIN and there is no operator on the call.
Conference Service Providers Conference service providers. Refers to companies who offer conferencing services and expertise to businesses.
A term used in conferencing to refer to working together across distances remotely.
A meeting via the telephone in which 3 or more parties are connected by a conference bridge to enable everyone to be connected on the same call. Also referred to as telephone conferencing, audio conferencing and teleconferencing.
This feature allows the moderator to exit a conference after it begins without disconnecting the participants and must be activated for each conference call. Note the system automatically defaults to end the conference call when the moderator disconnects.
The telephone number you and your participants will dial to reach our conferencing equipment.
A phone number which all participants dial to access a conference call. Also termed Access numbers.
Conference call participants join meetings by dialing a number, then entering a specific passcode.
Hosting operators dial participants at their location to connect them into the conference call.
A message sent to a contact requesting participation in a conference.
A feature which allows callers to record their names before entering the conference call. As they connect to the meeting, their name is played into the conference call to announce them.
Short tones which "announce" when a new caller has joined the conference call.
Short tones which "announce" when a caller has left the conference call.
Loud, high-pitched noise which can affect a conference when speakerphones, cellular phones or three-way lines are used.
When conference participants can both hear and be heard.
This is an alternative dial-in number for conference calling used by international callers outside the United States and Canada to gain access into a conference call. Although the same per minute rates apply, the caller using this international dial-in number will pay the long distance rates charged by their long-distance telephone provider.
Refers to the "phone keys" used to control various functions from the phone during the conference.
- Listen-only Mode
- Locking the Conference
- Moderator
- Moderator PIN
- Name Recording
- Number Sign / Pound sign
- Open Conference
- Participant
- Reservationless
- Reservationless Conference Call
- Roll Call
- Roll Calling
- Self Mute
- Starting a Conference Call
- Teleconference
- Touch Tone
- Toll-free
- Toll Conference Call
A one-way communication mode that enables conference participants to listen, without having the ability to speak to others on the conference. This feature is commonly used with larger calls to eliminate background noise.
This can be used for increased conference security, by preventing additional Participants from joining the conference At any time during a conference call, the moderator can lock or unlock the conference by toggling the “5” on the telephone keypad. Note that if the conference call is locked and a Participant is disconnected (e.g. cell phone) from the conference, the conference call must first be unlocked before that Participant can rejoin the conference.
A Moderator is a person(s) who presides over a conference call.
A Moderator PIN is the security code required to access a reservationless conference calling service. It ensures that only the host can originate and control a conference call, using all the conference calling features.
A recording of what a participant says when they are prompted to say their name at the beginning of a conference. It can be played when the participant enters or leaves the conference call.
Refers to the # symbol on a touch-tone phone.
A conference call where all lines are open so that all callers can be heard and can interact with each other freely. This feature is most commonly used with a small group of participants.
A Participant is a person who attends aconference call other than the Host or Moderator.
Reservationless means no scheduling, reservation or advanced notice is required.
A reservationless conference call is one that does not require advanced scheduling. You can host a conference call 24 hours a day, seven days a week without prior notice.
Roll Call plays back recorded attendee names when the Attendee Name Announce feature is enabled. A host can listen to the Roll Call by pressing *8 on his or her telephone keypad.
A feature where the moderator can learn how many callers are on the line as well as their names and affiliations.
Conference call participants can self mute by pressing *6 on their telephone keypads anytime during a conference call. Attendees can unmute themselves by repeating the command.
Start a Conference Call by simply dialing into the conference number and entering your Moderator PIN.
Teleconference is synonymous with telephone conference, conference call and audio conference, which connect three or more people on the same call.
Setting on a telephone which allows tones to be heard by our automated conference system.
An access phone number that allows you to join a conference without incurring long distance charges from your telephone provider.
A Toll Conference Call is a meeting via telephone that requires a long-distance call. It connects three or more parties on the same call using a Conference Bridge. Participants, including the moderator, may incur long-distance charges, which are determined by each caller’s long-distance service provider.